Media Resources


ESP 2025


Clinical Studies 2025


HJF Proposal Guide 2025


Innovation Technology Transfer 2025


HJF Fact Sheet 2025

HJF FY24 Impact Report

From Bench to Battlefield and Beyond


Get in Touch

The subject of military medicine is fascinating. The research HJF supports is often cutting edge and our work lends itself to compelling stories ranging from battlefield injuries and treatments to civilian healthcare advances.

HJF can serve as a great source of information, facilitate interviews, and coordinate with military public affairs offices. Since these are all time consuming processes, ample lead time is appreciated. 

If you are a member of the media, please contact the Director Communications and Public Relations and provide a detailed message including your name, press affiliation, phone number, questions, and approximate deadline. 

Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.

Using Our Name

When referring to HJF, we ask that you reference this guide for the sake of consistency.

Please use the full name on first mention: The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine.
In formal documents, include ", Inc." However, in marketing documents, the ", Inc." is not necessary.

Full name: The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc.
Secondary references: HJF (When using "HJF" - "the" before the abbreviation is not necessary.)
e.g. The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine (HJF) was authorized by Congress. HJF is a nonprofit organization. HJF provides a variety of services.

There is more than one Henry M. Jackson Foundation, so we must distinguish ourselves clearly. We have registered HJF as our official nickname to give ourselves a single, distinct and memorable abbreviation. Please refrain from using other shortened versions, such as "The Jackson Foundation." 

For questions or additional details, please email us