Research Administration

Improving the research experience

  • Enhancing your capacity to obtain and manage grants
  • Providing integrated services, transparent administration, and streamlined processes 
  • Nurturing strong relationships with sponsors
  • Promoting shared responsibility for the ethical conduct of research and compliance
  • Advocating for the needs of the military medical research community
  • Broadening awareness of the value of military medical research

Our Research Administration experts collaborate with you and your partners to provide comprehensive services across the research lifecycle. Our services include award administration, contracting, procurement, training and compliance.

Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)

HJF's OSP works with the principal investigators to review award documents and negotiate terms and conditions, while protecting the investigator’s intellectual property rights, removing unmanageable constraints, and ensuring agreement with state and federal regulations.

Administering Subawards

Full Life Cycle Support

HJF experts support pre-award reviews and monitor programmatic activities throughout the life of each Federal Subaward.

In accordance with the requirements contained in 2 CFR 200, the Uniform Guidance, our subaward experts will complete the required risk assessment, develop and negotiate the general administrative terms for subawards, work with Accounts Payable on invoice payments, and assist in monitoring subaward performance and compliance to the budget and scope of work.

Proper stewardship of Federal funds include making a sub-recipient versus contractor determination.

How HJF distinguishes a sub-recipient from a contractor:

  • Performs a substantive portion (specific objectives) of the prime award statement of work
  • Has designated key personnel who work collaboratively with the HJF PI as a co-investigator(s) 
  • Has authority to make administrative and programmatic decisions and control of the methods used 
  • Is responsible for assisting the Prime in meeting the goals of the project  
  • Is responsible for adhering to applicable Federal compliance requirements  
  • Retains intellectual property and copyright to the work produced by the Subrecipient’s personnel  
  • May co-author an article in a professional research journal. 

HJF experts can assist you in clarifying the Statement of Work, budget, and deliverables!

Man in US Air Force uniform stands with tablet in his hand

Grants Management

HJF grants management experts support you on all administrative aspects of managing a sponsored project, including:

  • Establishing accounts
  • Communicating with sponsors
  • Closing out a sponsored project
  • Assisting with progress reports, no-cost extensions, and re-budgeting

Contracting Expertise

Our contracting team is dedicated to supporting you.
Major contract administration services include:

  • Reviewing, negotiating and approving all new contracts, tasks and modifications
  • Advising researchers and staff of contract requirements
  • Monitoring contract performance and adherence to contract terms 
  • Tracking contract and task order costs and completion dates 
  • Closing out expired and completed contracts 
Computer and stethoscope

Consulting & Vendor Support

HJF will assist you in securing:

  • Consultant Agreement
  • Professional Services Agreement 
  • Professional Services Agreement—Software Programming 
  • Speaker Agreement 
  • No Charge Contracts for Equipment Evaluation of Supplier Loaned Equipment 
  • Hotel, Banquet and/or Conference Services Agreement

Services requiring specific contractual terms and conditions must be negotiated, agreed upon, and signed by an authorized signatory for HJF and the supplier.

Office renovations

Leasing & Renovation

HJF has a network of reliable general contractors experienced in conducting large and small laboratory, clinical, and office renovations who are familiar with the complexities of conducting renovations at military facilities, while shortening timelines and managing budgets.

When you need to lease a new space, you may also find you’ll need renovations to meet your specific needs. HJF can manage a full range of renovation projects at medical and other leased facilities in a variety of locations.

HJF will be your liaison to the architect or contractor, acting as your point of contact for any issue and coordinating all activities to ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible.

Additional Leasing & Renovation services: 

  • Identifying a leasing agent to locate appropriate available space 
  • Negotiating the lease with the landlord or real estate broker/agent 
  • Ensuring that leased space meets program needs and budget 
  • Working with site managers and landlords to resolve facility issues