About the TVMI Study
The Veterans Metrics Initiative: Linking Program Components to Post-Military Well-Being (TVMI Study), launched in April 2015 by HJF, followed veterans over the first three years of their transition from military to civilian life. The TVMI Study examined how programs that veterans access during their transitions correlate with long-term well-being across multiple domains. This goal was to help identify at-risk veterans and allow the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs, philanthropy, and civilian communities to more effectively target transition assistance efforts. In its final year, the study analyzed results of baseline and three follow-on surveys to create preliminary infographics and program component menus.

In the fall of 2016, a cohort of 9,566 veterans was successfully recruited from a representative sample of 48,965 transitioning veterans who were identified in the VA/DoD Identity Repository when they were within 90 days of separating from military service. The TVMI Study cohort is highly representative of the entire recently transitioned population of all veterans (with over 1,500 veterans from each of the active components from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and more than 1,200 reserve component members who recently transitioned from activated status). Included in the study cohort that completed the baseline survey (Wave 1) are 1,743 female and 2,703 junior enlisted (i.e., paygrade E1-4) veterans. All survey waves have been successfully administered. Military and demographic characteristics are summarized in the table below.