Elsa Ermer, PhD
Senior Scientist
PhD, University of California Santa Barbara
Brain Health: Clinical/Rehabilitative Medicine
My research is broadly in the areas of psychology, clinical neuroscience, and neurorehabilitation. I am interested in understanding brain health, risk factors, and rehabilitation after injury using longitudinal data and multimodal methods. My current work focuses on understanding intermediate and long-term effects of concussion/mTBI, head impact exposure, and blast exposure in military service members and civilians.
Lempke LB, Ermer E, Boltz AJ, Caccese JB, Buckley TA, Cameron KL, Chrisman SPD, D’Lauro C, Eckner JT, Esopenko C, Hunt TN, Jain D, Kelly LA, Memmini AK, Mozel AE, Putukian M, Susmarski A, Pasquina PF, McCrea MA, McAllister TW, Broglio SP, Master CL, CARE Consortium Investigators. Initial Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Characteristics and Recovery Patterns Among Females Across the United States Military Service Academies: A Report from the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium. Annals of Biomedical Engineering (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s10439-023-03374-z |
Dimyan, M. A., Harcum, S., Ermer, E., Boos, A., Conroy, S. S., Liu, F., Horn, L. B., Xu, H., Zhan, M., Chen, H., Whitall, J., & Wittenberg, G. (2022). Baseline predictors of response to repetitive task practice in chronic stroke. Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair, 36(7), 426-436. DOI: 10.1177/15459683221095171 |
Liew, S.-L., Zavaliangos-Petropulu, A., Jahanshad, N., Lang, C. E., Hayward, K. S., Lohse, K., Juliano, J. M., Assogna, F., Baugh, L. A., Bhattacharya, A. K., Borich, M. R., Boyd, L. A., Brodtmann, A., Buetefisch, C. M., Byblow, W. D., Cassidy, J. M., Conforto, A. B., Craddock, R. C., Dimyan, M. A., Dula, A. N., Ermer, E., Etherton, M. R., Fercho, K. A., Gregory, C. M., Hadidchi, S., Holguin, J. A., Hwang, D. H., Jung, S., Kautz, S. A., Khlif, M. S., Khoshab, N., Kim, B., Kim, H., Kuceyeski, A., Lotze, M., MacIntosh, B. J., Margetis, J. L., Mohamed, F. B., Piras, F., Ramos-Murguialday, A., Richard, G., Roberts, P., Robertson, A. D., Rondina, J. M., Rost, N. S., Sanossian, N., Schweighofer, N., Shiroishi, M. S., Soekadar, S. R., Spalletta, G., Stinear, C. M., Suri, A., Tang, W. K. W., Thielman, G. T., Vecchio, D., Villringer, A., Ward, N. S., Werden, E., Westlye, L. T., Winstein, C., Wittenberg, G. F., Wong, K. A., Yu, C., Cramer, S. C., & Thompson, P. M. (2020). The ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Working Group: Big data neuroimaging to study brain-behavior relationships after stroke. Human Brain Mapping, 1-20. doi:10.1002/hbm.25015 |
Area of Research
Institution Affiliations
Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences