Partnering with HJF

Let Us Help You

You and your team have created a product or innovation in military medicine that can be applied to service members, veterans and their families, and potentially to the wider civilian population.

By evaluating your product or concept, mining our network developed through the administration of thousands of research awards, and identifying potential synergies and overlapping interests, HJF can bring industry and the military medical research system together for mutual benefit. Start the process by completing the detailed form below.

Service member standing

Areas of Focus

  • Trauma care / combat casualty care

  • Infectious disease

  • Traumatic brain injury / Post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Chemical & biological defense

  • Disaster preparedness

  • Human performance

  • Cancer treatment


Describe company’s technology/product briefly and how it solves/might solve a problem that is critical to one of the following:
•    Active-duty military
•    A military health care beneficiary population
•    A civilian population