HJF is Dedicated to Our Military
The support you give to HJF, combined with the resources of our trusted federal and private partners, enables advances in military medicine that improve the quality of life for American service members and their families, veterans and civilians. That is why 99.3% of HJF's expenses go directly to supporting our mission to advance military medicine.

What Your Donation Supports
99.3% of HJF's expenses go directly to supporting our mission to advance military medicine. Investing in HJF gives you an opportunity to impact the lives of service members and civilians alike. Beyond the research funds we manage, HJF directly supports projects that have not yet secured funding but are seeking to meet a critical need, including heart disease, trauma, suicide prevention, sexually transmitted diseases and breast cancer. HJF helps fill research gaps; your donations help HJF fill research gaps faster.

Questions About Your Donation?
If you have questions about your donation, or how to update your information, please contact our development team at jvandermeersch@hjf.org or view our commonly asked questions page using the link below.

Planned Giving
By partnering with supporters like you, as well as our trusted federal and private partners, we can advance military medicine and improve the quality of life for American service members, families, veterans and civilians.
A bequest to HJF can take the form of a general bequest, a bequest for specific purposes or a contingent bequest. Please consult with your tax advisor, financial planner or lawyer to determine which planned gift strategy is best for you.
If you are interested in learning more about planned giving, please contact Jackie Vandermeersch at 240-694-2209 or via email jvandermeersch@hjf.org.