Area of Research
Research Team

HJF teams with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency to account for missing Department of Defense (DoD) personnel
When the DPAA needed expert operational support of their efforts to locate and recover the remains of unaccounted-for DoD personnel from designated past conflicts, they turned to HJF.
Together, the teams work on archeological sites across the globe where missing DoD personnel may be located. HJF assists archeological teams’ terrestrial and underwater activities to recover the remains of U.S. service members.

The vital mission: returning loved ones home to their families.
When HJF joined the effort, more than 82,000 Americans remained missing from World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cold War, the Gulf Wars and other conflicts. Of those, 75 percent of the losses are in the Indo-Pacific region. More than 41,000 are presumed lost at sea. Though the effort is far from ever ending, HJF and DPAA together are taking the steps to account for our missing DoD personnel to their families and the nation.