Guidelines for Under-Recovery Program Requests.
The indirect cost rate (IDC) determination for research conducted at USU and administered by HJF is based upon the projected USU Overhead and HJF General and Administrative (G&A) costs. HJF’s “Under-Recovery Program” supports investigators applying for grants from sponsors that restrict the amount of IDC allowed. In these situations, HJF must cover the unreimbursed IDC costs with its own unrestricted funds. With limited unrestricted funds, the following procedures will optimize the Under-Recovery Program.
Submission requirements:
To be considered, investigators must submit their under-recovery application to HJF no later than 20 days prior to the application due date. Applications should include the Principal Investigator’s biosketch, a copy of the funding announcement and an email including the following content:
- PI name:
- Title of Proposal:
- Military Relevance:
- Performance Location (onsite/or offsite):
- Has the PI received a prior research award?
- Primary Sponsor:
- Secondary Sponsor (if applicable):
- Funding Opportunity Number:
- Project Start and End:
- Proposed Total Direct Costs:
- Allowable Sponsor Indirect Cost (IDC) Rate:
- Total IDC cost allowed at Sponsor Rate:
- Full IDC cost and Current Approved Rate (offsite/onsite):
- Total Anticipated Under-recovery:
Requests should be sent to:
Sheara Fewell, PhD
Director, Investigator Initiatives
Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine
(240) 694-2603
HJF will utilize the following criteria when evaluating request for under-recovery funding:
1) Career Development (support for early-stage investigators without prior research funding)
2) Military Relevance
3) Under-recovery requests less than $15,000
Note: Investigators must also submit documents to the USU VPR Office for site approval and PI eligibility (if applicable). HJF will notify the HJF onsite program manager, the Principal Investigator and the VPR Office with the decision to accept or deny under-recovery funding. Approvals will only cover the initial amount requested for the specified proposal deadline. Resubmissions, as well as any changes to the amount originally requested or out-year modifications for additional funding, will require a separate under-recovery funding application. HJF will consider these applications independently, with no obligation to approve the request.